Digrain Wasp and Hornet Destroyer
Highly effective Wasp and hornet destroyer. Fast acting insecticide aerosol for the control of wasps, hornets moths and flies. Nozzle and valve design provides a directional jet of product 2-3 metres long offering operator safety. Combined action of 0.25% Permethrin with the knock down of 0.24% Tetramethrin. Large can size for improved economy and to ensure that you dont get caught short with a large wasp nest.
This product is approved under The Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 (as amended) for use as directed. HSE: 7644
Professional Use Only, by buying this product you undertake that it will be applied by a suitably trained proffessional operator
For use in the treatment of wasp and hornet nests both indoors and outdoors and also in the control of moths and flies
Use only as described on the label
Spray product for 15-18 seconds per nest from a distance of 2-3 metres or spray short bursts of 1 - 2 seconds directly at the wasps
- Wear suitable protective clothing including hat gloves and veil to prevent potential stings
- When using outdoors wait for still wind conditions, do not spray directly into breeze
- Keep off skin, wash hands thoroughly after use
- Do not contaminate food stuffs, cover or remove all food stuffs prior to application.
- Remove all persons pets and livestock from the area to be treated prior to application.
- Do not apply the product directly to pets or livestock.
- Highly toxic to fish and other aquatic life, prior to application either cover or remove fish tanks or fish bowls.
- If using indoors ventilate treated area thoroughly after application.
- Do not apply directly to clothing, bedding or soft furnishings.