Phobi F & F + provides instant knock-down and a residual action against all flying & crawling insect infestations
For crawling insect control spray directly on to insects in short 2-3 second bursts
Active ingredients 0.011% Imiprothrin & 0.33% Cyphenothrin.
Chrysanthemum Cinerariaefolium, extract from open and mature flowers of Tanecetum Cinerariifolium obtained with super-critical CO2 (CAS N° 89997-63-7): 0.01% w/w
This product is approved under The Control Of Pesticides Regulations 1986 (as amended) for use as directed. HSE 10680
300ml can size can be used all at once using the twist & lock total release function, or in stages by using as a conventional aerosol trigger
Total release takes 2 minutes and 52 seconds treats up to 375 cubic metres
One 300ml can of Phobi F & F treats up to 375 cubic metres of indoor space
An average sized room of 50 cubic metres can be treated in one 20-30 second spray
Professional Use Only. By purchasing this product you undertake that it will be applied by a qualified professional pest controller.
For indoor use against all flying and crawling insect infestations, use only as described on the product label.
Always read the label before use.
Application rates:
- Flying Insects: 20-30 second spray in an average room of 50 cubic metres.
- Crawling Insects: Spray directly on to the insects in short bursts of 2-3 seconds.
Exclude people and animals from area to be treated before and during application.
Ventilate treated area thoroughly after product has been applied
The (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation 2002 may apply to the use of this product at work.
Do not contaminate food stuffs, eating utensils or food contact surfaces, with the exception of food storage containers
Do not apply directly to animals, exclude animals during application
- Keep off skin
- Wash hands after use
- Keep out of reach of children
- Keep away from food stuffs and animal feeds
- If you feel unwell seek immediate medical advice and show the product label to doctor if possible.
- Highly flammable do not smoke during or immediately after application,
- Dispose of container in a safe manner.
- Very toxic to aquatic organisms keep away from fish bearing bodies of water.
- Irritating to skin wear suitable gloves avoid contact with skin during application and dispose of after use