PB057-CASE - ROMAX Venom Lipogel Brodifacoum 300g Cartridges Professional use only - Sign into your A/c for price |
The Romax Venom Lipogel combines brodifacoum within an increased water activity formulation offering rapid efficacy as well as the convenience and capacity of rapid baiting. The availability of Brodifacoum in this format gives rapid absorption into soft tissues.
When this product is supplied to a user for the control of rodents, it shall only be supplied to a professional user holding certification demonstrating compliance with UK rodenticide stewardship regime requirements.
As a distributor of many forms of professional and amateur use rodenticide PestFix actively supports and promotes the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use to its customer base. PestFix is a registered CRRU supporter.
The CRRU aims to protect wildlife while promoting and providing effective rodent control through the responsible use of rodenticides.
For further details on CRRU visit www.thinkwildlife.org
We ask that ALL of our customers, whether you are an amateur user or professional user to follow the CRRU Code at ALL times
To be used only by professional users holding certification demonstrating compliance with UK rodenticide stewardship regime requirements.
Read the label before use. Using this product in a manner that is inconsistent with the label may be an offence.
Refer to the CRRU UK Code of Best Practice (or equivalent) for guidance.
Always read and use rodenticides in accordance with the manufacturer's label on the product container, these notes are intended for basic guidance in product selection and order quantity and are not intended for use as instructions by the user.
1. Site survey and pre-treatment: Before placing the bait, carry out a site survey to establish the rodent species, the level and the extent of the infestation and check any possible rodents’ points of access, burrows, feeding places, etc. To minimise the use of rodenticide baits, in particular for rodent treatments in sensitive areas (e.g. food industries, grain storage facilities and animal rearing), it is first recommended the use of non-toxic baits (placebo). Exclude or recommend exclusion of rodents by closing off entry points and reducing site circumstances which make them attractive for rodents to find harborage or shelter.
2. Treatment: Wear protective gloves during loading and cleaning phases. Insert the tube inside the caulking gun; cut a hole in the conical tip of the tube and insert the nozzle. Cut the nozzle above the screw thread, taking care not to damage the thread itself and dispense the product in tamper-resistant bait stations paying attention to clearly indicate its content and purpose. Where these are not available, hide the baits inside pieces of drainage pipe or on trays under tiles, making sure that baits are safely secured so that rodents cannot carry them away. Once finished, screw the protecting cap and loose the pressure of the caulking gun in order to prevent loss of the product. Always make sure that baits are adequately protected from children and non-target animals, such as pets and birds.
3. Monitoring: Make regular inspections of the bait points (every 3 or 4 days) and replace any bait that has been eaten by rodents, damaged by water or contaminated by dirt.
4. End of treatment:Treatment period can be considered concluded when baits remain uneaten. Use a spatula for post-application (cleaning/disposal) of bait. Search for, collect and dispose of the remains of bait and any remaining rodent bodies and dispose them safely complying with legislation regarding the correct disposal of waste.