Contains 0.005% Difenacoum w/w second generation anti-coagulant
Always read and use rodenticides in accordance with the manufacturer's label on the product container, these notes are intended for basic guidance in product selection and order quantity and are not intended for use as instructions by the user.
For indoor andf outdoor use by professionals and amateurs in the control of rats and mice
Place bait where there are signs of rodent activity, like fresh droppings or near burrows, runways and feeding places. Place bait points throught out the infested area.
For rat infestations, use bait points of 30 - 60 grammes. Place bait points 10 metres apart reducing to 5 metres in cases of high infestation.
For mouse infestations use bait points of 10 - 30 grammes. Place bait points 5 metres apart reducing to 3 metres in cases of high infestation.
Protect bait points from non-target animals and from water, preferably using a lockable rat or mouse bait station
Make frequent inspections of the bait points. Replace any bait eaten by rodents or that has been damaged by water or contaminated by dirt. If all of the bait has been eaten from certain areas, increase the quantity of bait by placing more bait points. Do not increase the size of the bait point.
Precautions should be taken to prevent domestic animals from having access to the bait