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01903 538 488
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UltrasonX 4-Channel Ultrasonic Deterrent

UltrasonX 4-Channel Ultrasonic DeterrentUltrasonX 4-Channel Ultrasonic Deterrent
AD021 - UltrasonX 4-Channel Ultrasonic Deterrent
£1,253.77 Each inc. vat

Use UltrasonX to deter pest birds from under petrol station cannopies, eaves, porches, hotel courtyards / atriums, small roof areas, car park decks, open-air restaurants or food courts, parks and picnic areas.

Covers up to 3600 square feet, 8-10 meters in front of each speaker in an oval dispersal pattern. Speakers must have line of site with pest birds to be effective. High frequency output does not travel around corners or through solid objects.


Each of the UltrasonX's four speakers come with 30 meters of cable so that they can be placed remotely from the control unit allowing highly flexible configuration to your specific requirements.

Ideal for commercial / light industrial use outdoors or indoors where silent operation is essential. e.g. offices, restaurants, bars, hotels, and apartment blocks.

Highly effective for protecting courtyards, cannopies, atriums, eaves, entrance vestibules, and forecourts.

Highly successful on many species of birds although not bird specific and may effect any mammal within 8-10 meters of the speaker.

It is a criminal offence in the UK and indeed the rest of the EU to use a sonic deterrent for the purposes of disturbing bats in particular to deter them from roosting. All bats and roosts are protected by the law in the UK/EU. If you are experiencing issues with bats, please call the Bat Conservation Trust on 0345 1300 228.

UltrasonX Instructions

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