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01903 538 488
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Woodworm Killer RTU

Woodworm Killer RTU
IC174 - Woodworm Killer RTU
£29.66 per 5 Litres inc. vat

Coverage offered by product: 3-4m²/ litre 15 - 20m² per 5 litre

Permagard Woodworm Killer is a ready-to-use high strength (0.249% insecticide) treatment designed to eradicate active woodworm

It is formulated to kill infestations of wood boring insects through all life stages in furniture, flooring, structural and other timbers. It also protects the wood from future attacks and re-infestation, providing peace of mind

The highly effective pyrethroid insecticide prevents wood boring insect attack and reinfestation as well as killing any active wood boring insects

Wood treated with this woodworm Killer can be overpainted, varnished or stained when dry

The product comes ready to use and can be simply applied with a paintbrush or low pressure spray to eradicate and provide lasting protection from woodworm

Start by making sure that the timber is clean and free from wood dust, contaminates and surface coatings such as oils, waxes and paints. Then, simply spray, brush or dip apply the woodworm killer on to the target timber for complete woodworm treatment

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