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Rentokil Wasp Nest Destroyer Foam

Rentokil Wasp Nest Destroyer Foam
IC127 - Rentokil Wasp Nest Destroyer Foam
£8.19 per 300ml inc. vat

Kills wasps in their nest from a distance. Applied from approximately 2 metres, the 300ml of foam is enough to treat three large nests.

Active ingedients: Tetramethrin 0.300% w/w and d-Phenothrin 0.097% w/w

The Rentokil Wasp Nest Destroyer Foam is designed to exterminate wasps within their nest from a 2m distance. Use this product when entire nests are visible in a loft, shed, garage, tree etc. Do not use for underground nests

This fast acting product contains D-Phenothrin and Tetramethrin and is effective within 24 hours.

Shake can well. Stand at least 2m away from the target nest. Holding the can as upright as possible spray the contents towards the nest. Aim to cover the nest completely with the foam for maximum effect. Do not stand directly beneath the nest. Treat nests either in the early morning or evening when the majority of the wasps will be inside the nest.

N.B. It is recommended that you wear protective clothing to protect against stings.

When using outdoors ensure the wind is blowing away from you, do not spray the product into the wind.

If you are at all unsure about how to handle a wasp nest treatment seek professional help via the "find a pest controller" app at

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